Rent a business address
in Munich

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Yves-Cem Noack

Satellite Office Director München
tel:089 206021603

Your summonable
business address in Munich

Advantages that are perceived in your environment First impressions are crucial, especially in business! A prestigious business address in Munich is therefore essential for companies that want to operate successfully here without having to rent permanent office space. We offer you the opportunity to place your company at one of two renowned business addresses in Munich. You can choose between the Ludwigpalais in Ludwigstraße 8, in the centre of Maxvorstadt or the Alte Hopfenpost, with a duplicate address Rundfunkplatz 2/Hopfenstraße 8 not far from Munich Central Station. Ideal for founders and entrepreneurs who want to start immediately without risk. No purchases, no long-term contracts and no hidden costs. Instead, maximum flexibility and Munich's best office addresses for your business card or with entry in the commercial register as the company headquarters for your imprint!

Location. Location. Location.

Meeting rooms

quality catering

Instant Start

most modern technology

Telephone service

Flexible contract terms

multilingual secretarial service


High-speed Internet

excellent transport connection

Open Spaces

Satellite Office München

Ludwigstraße 8
D - 80539 München

Telefon: +49 (0) 89 20 60 21 600
Telefax: +49 (0) 89 20 60 21 610

Satellite Office München
Alte Hopfenpost

Hopfenstraße 8 / Rundfunkplatz 2
D - 80335 München

Telefon: +49 (0) 89 20 60 54 100
Telefax: +49 (0) 89 20 60 54 110

Rent a company address at

This business address matches any business card. In the digital world, the legal notice is a modern business card. With a virtual company address in Munich, you can upgrade your legal notice right from the start. Because the Internet is no longer anonymous - your website visitors want to know who they are doing business with. A look at the legal notice provides clarity and is decisive for the trustworthiness of a company and its website. It is therefore advisable to choose a business address in Munich that has a certain level of recognition and is known to the user. This immediately strengthens your digital presence and makes new customers feel safe with you. You can use our business addresses in Munich either as a branch office or as a company headquarters with an entry in the commercial register. Our team will be happy to advise you.

Your best address.

Is from now on also in Munich.

  • First-class business addresses: Ludwigstraße 8 or Rundunkplatz 2
  • Discount when booking conference rooms
  • Unlimited mail and parcel acceptance
  • Access to 15 satellite office workspaces in Germany and Switzerland
  • Access to the Open Space incl. free WiFi (fair use)

additionally bookable:

  • Your company sign on the signage system in the foyer
  • Postscan. Scan-to-Mail Flat Rate
  • Telephone secretariat. Always available

Rent a summonable address in Munich
For your imprint and entry in the commercial register

Our business addresses immediately enhance your imprint. In the digital world, the legal notice is a modern business card. With a virtual company address in Munich, you can upgrade your legal notice right from the start. Because the Internet is no longer anonymous - your website visitors want to know who they are doing business with. A look at the legal notice provides clarity and is decisive for the trustworthiness of a company and its website. It is therefore advisable to choose a business address in Munich that has a certain level of recognition and is known to the user. This immediately strengthens your digital presence and makes new customers feel safe with you. You can use our business addresses in Munich either as a branch office or as a company headquarters with an entry in the commercial register. Our team will be happy to advise you.

Rent a company address in Munich
As an upgrade for your business card

Our business addresses create trust in personal contact with new customers! The business card is often one of the first points of contact between you and new business partners or customers. To make a good first impression, it is advisable to rent a reputable business address in Munich. With our service, you can use a rented business address to open up new regions in which you do not yet have a physical office. Despite globalisation, many companies still prefer to do business with locally based partners. If you do not have an office for negotiations, we offer the option of renting one of our offices at the business address by the hour. Of course, our conference rooms are also available to you; you are welcome to use our coworking spaces for preparation and follow-up work.

Rent a company address IN MUNICH

Build trust with new customers with our business addresses in Munich's best locations. Do you regularly receive business mail, but still receive it at home at your private address? With a rented company address, your private address remains private and protected, and our mail forwarding service ensures that you still receive your mail. For agile workers, the virtual address can be the perfect complement to your home office or coworking space. You protect your privacy and continue to give your customers and business partners the opportunity to communicate important information to you without it accidentally appearing at your private address one day. Our office infrastructure is also available for business appointments or important negotiations at your business address in Munich. We offer modern and professionally equipped conference rooms and day offices that can be hired flexibly and as required to meet your company's needs.

Rent a company address IN MUNICH

Build trust with new customers with our business addresses in Munich's best locations. Do you regularly receive business mail, but still receive it at home at your private address? With a rented company address, your private address remains private and protected, and our mail forwarding service ensures that you still receive your mail. For agile workers, the virtual address can be the perfect complement to your home office or coworking space. You protect your privacy and continue to give your customers and business partners the opportunity to communicate important information to you without it accidentally appearing at your private address one day. Our office infrastructure is also available for business appointments or important negotiations at your business address in Munich. We offer modern and professionally equipped conference rooms and day offices that can be hired flexibly and as required to meet your company's needs.


Your business address with telephone service & mail service with mail forwarding If you rent one of our first-class business addresses in Munich, you will also receive all the benefits of our office service. At your disposal. Our parcel and mail service acts as a receiving centre for your consignments; we accept your mail and set up mail forwarding on request. We also offer a scanning service in Munich to send you your mail digitally and discreetly. You can also collect your mail in person if you work in the coworking area, rent a conference room or are simply close to your well-located business address. The multilingual telephone service provides you with a dedicated telephone number and our staff will handle your calls professionally. We will contact you on behalf of your company and take information or forward calls on request. You concentrate on your core business, we take care of the administrative work.

Yves-Cem Noack

"Servus in Munich! I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our Satellite Offices in the metropolis on the Isar! I look forward to your call or contact."

Please contact us