
Satellite Office in the F.A.Z.: Is it getting too crowded in the home office?

20. July 2022

Is it getting too crowded in the home office?

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung interviewed Anita Gödiker about working with and after Corona. What does everyday life in the Workspaces currently look like? Does anyone even come to work anymore? Instead of hopelessness and gloomy thoughts, Anita Gödiker was able to describe a rather positive status quo. The Workspaces are gradually filling up again. Many people find that the ceiling falls on their heads in the home office because the technical conditions are not right, they lack the peace and quiet to work in, or a professional environment increases the productivity and quality of work for many people in the long term.

“I see the crisis as an opportunity,” Gödiker said. After all, this is not the first crisis Anita Gödiker has faced in her more than twenty-year history with Satellite Office. The worst thing for them, he says, was the bursting of the dotcom bubble in 2000. “At that point, as a young company, I had very little in the way of reserves.” She then got through the 2008 financial crisis. And now her offices are still open, she has retrofitted the reception with plexiglass windows and stashed disinfectant,” she reports in today’s FAZ.

Solidly managed and with healthy growth, Satellite Office can now defy the crisis. And consider what products and services people need right now. After all, there is work to be done! “Some managers would now have quickly booked flexible day tickets with her in order to be able to escape the home office from time to time” said Anita Gödiker in an interview with the FAZ.

And that is definitely something that could emerge from “Corona”: Even more flexibility in the choice of workplace, as many companies are gaining positive experience with home offices. Business travel shifted to video calls when possible, offices in workspaces combined with workstations in corporate and home offices, separating teams for security reasons. Because vaccines and drugs against Covid-19 are still dreams of the future. Satellite Office takes advantage of the time, further develops proven products, adapts services and can score right now with the greatest possible flexibility.