
True values – The Property Congress in Frankfurt;

29. November 2024

The P5 Real Estate Congress in Frankfurt proved that a large gathering of real estate experts does not have to be about a brittle “brick on brick” or dry project development. Under the motto “True Values”, two days were spent discussing, networking and developing strategies for the future of the real estate industry in workshops.

As partners of P5, Satellite Office CEO Anita Gödiker and Director Jens Kirchhoff were on site with their team to represent the Luxury Workspace segment and introduce it to the attentive guests. In their WORKSPACE@its best workshop, they explained that not only financial aspects play a major role when dealing with commercial real estate and using it as a luxury workspace, but that an ethical responsibility also arises.

Against the backdrop of a rapidly changing society with high individual demands on working life and thus on workplace design, various factors play a very important role. The diversity of modern technologies gives people the freedom for maximum mobility and individuality and ultimately for the realization of their visions.

The highest quality materials and construction methods must ensure lasting durability and a clear commitment to sustainability through ecologically sustainable construction methods. This means making a CO2-neutral contribution to a clean future through ecological building technology. A worthwhile effort that should actually be a matter of course – not only to minimize environmental impact, but actually to preserve “true values”.

Of course, it was also about the special room design for hybrid working and the increasingly important service concept, which has always been a top priority at Satellite Office.

On the panel on the “Future of commercial real estate in conurbations and metropolitan regions” in front of 1500 interested congress participants, Anita Gödiker was able to contribute her many years of experience with luxury workspace in the most exclusive locations of the economic centers. Under the direction of P5 CEO Dr. Stefan Söhngen, they and Patrick Lange, Managing Director of agradblue GmbH, discussed the constantly changing challenges facing the industry.

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The P5-Property Congress – two powerful days full of valuable impressions and experiences that opened our eyes to the needs of the real estate industry and its customers in a time of great challenges; Many thanks to the organizers!


We would also like to congratulate all the winners of our Satellite Office competition and look forward to seeing you soon, You soon in one and look forward to, We look forward to welcoming you to one of our office locations soon, to welcoming you to one of our office locations soon – thank you for taking part!